
Voice - FAQs

Frequently asked questions

Will I be charged when I receive a call?

I’m not a Smile customer – how do I get voice at the best call rates in Nigeria and abroad?

When I make voice calls when connected to another data network, will it affect the quality of my calls?

If I call another Smile customer who has no data left, will they be able to receive the call?

How do I get the Smile Voice & SelfCare App with voice?

Do I retain my SmileNumber if I lose my phone or Smile Voice & SelfCare App?

Which plan must I buy to make voice calls?

What do I need to make calls?

How will I know if I had a missed call?

Where can I get the Smile Voice & SelfCare App with voice?

If I’m on a call using the Smile Voice & SelfCare App and I get another call on my 2G/3G network, will my call be disconnected?

What’s the minimum speed for the best voice quality?

How do I activate SmileVoice to make voice calls?

If I buy a VoLTE handset, will I have the same SmileNumber for both my phone and the Smile Voice & SelfCare App?

I’m already a Smile customer, how can I make calls?

Do I have to buy local minutes to make calls in Nigeria?

How much does it cost to make voice calls?

How do I check my Voice balance?

Is there a separate voice plan I need to buy to make calls?